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8U Outstanding Achievements
'8U celebrate their outstanding achievements in Accelerated Maths. Their targets for the term have been met and surpassed. Follow this...

Careers Info
Careers Info – A big thanks to Emma Morrison from Barclays who delivered a workshop on responsible use of social media and its benefits...

Gaeltacht - Summer 2019
Applications are open for summer courses in Coláiste Mhuire, Loch an Iúir. Deposits and forms should be returned to school asap to...

Year 9 Workshop
Year 9 students explored their understanding of what is means to be an entrepreneur in a fun filled workshop recently, delivered by...

European Day of Languages
To celebrate European day of languages recently, our Yr 9 students swapped their lessons for a quiz that tested their Irish, music and...

Pathways Programme
Yr 13 students learnt about the Pathways programme organised by Queens University Belfast. The programme supports and encourages talented...

Year 12 Work Experience
Our Year 12 students have had the opportunity to get out into the world of work to get an insight into possible future careers the skills...

Translink Safety Bus visit year 8
Once again Translink has welcomed our new Year 8 pupils onto their Safety Bus. Our young pupils were versed in all aspects of bus safety....

Careers Event – Ardmore Advertising
Our Yr 11 Level 2 Photography students got the remarkable chance to spend the day in Ardmore Advertising’s offices in Holywood, Belfast. ...

Joyriders Play at the Baby Grand
A big thank to Cinty Stubberfield from Translink for the Glider day tickets for students to go and see past pupil Nathan Donaghy in...

Celtic Featherweight Champion
Congratulations to Michael Corr who was crowned Celtic Featherweight Champion on 13th October after his bout with Jordan Woods. Michael...

YE 9 Workshop
Year 9 students explored their understanding of what is means to be an entrepreneur in a fun filled workshop recently, delivered by...

10 Pin Bowling Trip
8 A won our monthly attendance award for Best Attending Form Class. They were rewarded with a trip to Lisburn 10 Pin Bowling. Everyone...

Maths Week Ireland
Year 8 is celebrating Maths Week Ireland. Maths Week is an important way to help learners, of all ages, enjoy maths and highlight the...

Shared Education Programme
Our Shared Education Programme continues this term to be a fantastic experience for all students involved. 11 September - Zumba hosted by...

Year 11 Hospitality Controlled Assessment
Students had to investigate and cook a starter for a high street café using a piece of labour saving appliance. The dishes produced were...

First Fridays are back!

Celebration of achievement 2018
St. Colm’s annual Celebration of Achievement took place on Thursday 27th September. This was an opportunity for the school to recognize...

Year 8 Your School, Your Business
As part of their induction into life at St. Colm’s High School, our Year 8 pupils were treated to a morning of activity, delivered by...

Barclays Lifeskills
As part of our Yr 13 careers classes, our pupils have been working with Emma Morrison who is delivering a range of workshops from the...
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